What About Us

One of the things animal lovers so often say is, “They teach us so much.” I agree with that sentiment. Animals (or, to the point, raising them) do, indeed, teach us a lot. Having purebred animals teaches us even more and actually connects us with others of a like...

Who Will Teach Us Love

Once upon a time, there were songs of love on the radio. Once upon a time, there were TV shows that made us feel good, movies that inspired us and books that make us think. Once upon a time, people lived on farms close to nature and they had pets. If they didn’t live...

You Are Not Alone

In my travels (both real and imagined), I have the chance to meet lots of dog lovers. As we talk about our favorite breeds and as we explore fascinating pedigrees, a great affinity is born between us. We feel OK with each other; we share the same passions; we realize...

You are the greatest teacher

Having a kennel and loving dogs, I’m lucky enough to meet a lot of people they are important to; people from all walks of life. Today, the dogs we love and care for have a great affect on how we look at the world around us. Dogs are in the news, in movies, books, and...

You Write The Script

At our kennel in Pennsylvania, we recently had an open house. Since I wasn’t in town for the occasion, the staff sent me pictures – and I saw close to fifty dogs and their people enjoying a sunny day at my home, Pennywood. My family has been part of Pennywood for more...