Home Ron Hevener

STORIES for Online & Print Publishers…

ILLUSTRATED STORIES by Ron Hevener … permission to publish (with credit to the author) is granted …


Ron Hevener was discovered telling stories and making clay souvenirs at tourist attractions in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. From his studio on a farm, those hand-made figurines found their way to gift stores in Philadelphia, New York, Europe, Australia and made Ron Hevener one of the premier designers of collectible figurines living today.

They have been featured in many publications and they are exhibited at public events such as Arte Laguna in Venice, Arte International in Sao Paulo, Krufts, Westminster, Scottsdale and established art galleries. The Figurines were collected internationally before the Internet was even invented.

Over the years, Hevener Figurines have been presented to political dignitaries, business leaders, television personalities, art collectors and entertainment celebrities from Broadway to the concert stage.

Mr.Hevener’s work is in The Museum of the Dog, The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC (donated by president and Mrs. Jimmy Carter) and The International Himalayan Institute.